GC-VUV analyzer, the future of fuel analysis is already here
![GC VUV SHIMADZU](https://www.chemlys.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/GC-VUV-SHIMADZU-600x403.jpg)
Discover the future of fuel analysis.
The GC-2030 Nexis SHIMADZU analyzer with VUV detector, the VGA-100, revolutionizes fuel analysis thanks to its innovative principle. Its detector uses a unique spectral region with very short wavelengths (125-240 nm): the vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) region.
This has a major advantage: all compound families react very specifically in this optical region, except for the light gases regularly used as carrier gases (H2, He, Ar, N2).
The GC-VUV analyzer enables complex analyses to be carried out, particularly on hydrocarbon-rich samples that are often difficult to process even with a mass spectrometer.
It is particularly well suited to the analysis of jet fuel, gasoline, pyrolysis oil, and diesel. The VUV detector can deconvolute, identify, and measure species not separated by the column in these complex matrices.
Image: Processing spectrum of a gasoline analysis
During analysis, compounds are pre-separated by the Nexis GC-2030 without the need for high separation accuracy. In fact, it’s the detector VUV VGA-100 and its software that do most of the work, i.e. identification and quantification.
This offers a number of advantages, including time savings and simplified configuration of the GC part. The time saved is significant, as the need to separate the various compound families is more limited. A single column covers a wide range of applications, making your GC-VUV more efficient.
Example: ASTM D8071 Gasoline, ASTM D8267 Jet, ASTM D8368 Diesel, prEN18015 EN228 Petrol are done with one and the same column on the same GC-VUV.
The result is spectral fingerprints specific to each family of compounds present.
Coupled with the VUV’s powerful software, you’re able to precisely identify all the families of molecules present. The software allows signal deconvolution to identify all the fingerprints under a compound peak.
What about quantification ?
Nothing could be simpler: it is based on a well-known scientific law: Beer-Lambert’s law.
Concentration is dependent on absorbance, according to the formula A = ε x l x C.
, a constant called the molar absorptivity, or molar extinction coefficient ;
- ℓ , is the length of the path travelled by the light in the medium in question ;
- 𝑐 , is the concentration of the absorbing chemical entity.
The data acquired is 3D (time, wavelength, absorption). Data and responses are qualitative, linear, and quantitative.
And despite the name of the spectral region, there’s no need for a vacuum pump!
The GC-VUV simplifies and speeds up your measurements. It meets a variety of standards:
Analysis of pyrolysis oils; Analysis of biofuels; Analysis of recycled plastics; ASTM D8071; ASTM D5599; ASTM D6839/D5443; ASTM D5769; ASTM D3606; ASTM D1319; ASTM D6550; ASTM D5599 Ethanol; ASTM D8267 Jet fuel; ASTM D1655; ASTM D3338; ASTM D8368 avec total FAMEs; DHA, PIONA; ASTM D8369; ASTM D8071-D6730; Teneur en soufre...
New detector, new possibilities.
The GC-VUV is constantly covering new applications and standards. It is now validated to European standards NF EN 18015 for the application: “Automotive fuels – Determination of hydrocarbon groups and selections of hydrocarbons and oxygenates”.
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