Catalyst development for conventional and alternative energy sources often requires monitoring of gas phase composition. The monitoring of permanent gases and hydrocarbon compounds, in ppm to 100% content, allows the characterization of catalysts.
For many years, the Micro GC has been a very common analyzer in catalysis. Indeed, it allows simple and fast analyses. Thus, its specifications allow on-line monitoring of kinetics. Moreover, the small volumes required make it a privileged tool for research.
With the Micro GC Fusion which now integrates temperature programming, you have a simple and powerful tool for on-line gas monitoring. With two modules working in parallel, the MicroGC Fusion allows you to monitor all the compounds of this application in 2 minutes.
Discover the benefits of Micro GC Fusion during the development and validation cycle of a new catalyst.

Identification of compounds : Carbon dioxide (CO2), Ethylene/Acetylene, Ethane, Propylene, Propane, Butane, Pentane, Hexane
Instrument : Micro GC Fusion module RT-Q Bond
Méthode :
Column : RT-Q 12m
Column temperature:
- Programming: 60°C for 20 seconds >> 200°C (1°C/s) for 10 seconds
The Micro GC Fusion features two notable innovations. It now introduces ultra-fast column temperature programming and an intuitive, self-contained onboard interface.
These major innovations make the Micro GC Fusion a powerful tool for catalysis research.
Discover other applications of Micro GC Fusion. You are doing on-line gas monitoring, discover also our product CHEMBOX to add new features to your Micro GC Fusion.
Key words : chromatography, micro gc, temperature programming, column plot, catalysis, research, hydrocarbons