Indeed, the addition of a valve is done very simply by USB connection, directly on the FUSION analyzer. Then, once recognized, the valve can be configured in sequence directly through the web interface of the analyzer.
You can configure the names of each of the valve positions. This allows you to find them more easily when evaluating the results. Also, it is possible to define a default return position at the end of the sequence.
You can find an example of implementation at one of our clients TWB in this blog post.

Instrument : Micro GC Fusion 2 modules or 4 modules
USB connection to the multi-position valve, direct control by the Micro GC Fusion
On-line analysis of gas composition requires automation. A single analyzer is sometimes required to monitor multiple sampling points or multiple sample lines. Manual selection of the sample to be analyzed is a time consuming step for the operator, especially with a fast measurement like the Fusion Micro GC (less than 3 minutes). Coupling a selection valve with the Fusion extends the capabilities of the analyzer and makes it even more autonomous.
The benefits of automatic sampling:
- Automatic calibration of the analyzer via a standard mixture
- Line purging to avoid memory effect from one sample to another
- Analysis and measurement of up to 16 sample lines, tapping points and reactors.
- Programming of the rate of your analyses.
- Saving time for the operator, he can easily program the automation of these measurements with the Fusion touch screen or with the embedded web interface
Now with the CHEMBOX tool in its Sensor version, you can add even more features to your Micro GC. Call us to learn more!
Keywords : multistream, micro gc fusion, multi-channel analysis, automation, Valco valve